Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Discrimination Against Japanese During WW2 Essay Example
Discrimination Against Japanese During WW2 Essay Asians in North America are discriminated for any reason people can find. From Japanese and Chinese began immigrating to North America during the mid- 1800s and were a great target of cheap labour. Working anywhere from farm fields to factories and being paid barely anything to keep them alive. Discrimination laws passed during the early 1900s that denies the right of Japanese to become citizens, to own land, or to marry outside of their race. In some certain areas they could not buy land or get jobs in certain industries. Also there kids In 1924 immigration from Japan was stopped. By September of 1939 America cut down its sales of iron and oil to Japan making heightened tensions between America and On December 7,1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. The next day America declared war on Japan wasting no time. Japans attack on Pearl Harbour was so devastating, it even shocked Japanese Americans. Then Americas started to think that Japanese-Americas were telling there h ome country of Japan valuable facts about the U.S.A that no other country was suppose to know. For example like the next time they So America took initiative and started doing house roundups and search or arrest warrants. After the Japanese where arrested they where taken to unknown destinations, and treated as prisoners of war. Over 110,000 Japanese Americans were rounded up and kept at many destinations but mostly camps. From March 24 to November 3,1942, the mass removal of Japanese Americans from the west coast took place over eight months. Japanese Americans had no charges brought against them, there was no hearing, they did not know where they were going, how long they would be detained, what conditions they would face, nor what would
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Make a Bubble Rainbow - Science Project
How to Make a Bubble Rainbow - Science Project Use household materials to make a bubble rainbow! This is a safe, easy and fun project that explores how bubbles and color work. Bubble Rainbow Materials a sockliquid dishwashing soapplastic bottlefood coloring You probably can use bubble solution for this project, but I got much better bubbles using the dishwashing liquid. I used a Vitamin Water bottle for this project. Any soft drink or water bottle will do. Firm bottles are easier to use than thin, flimsy ones. Make a Homemade Bubble Snake Wand Youre going to make a fat snake of bubbles. Its actually a great project even without the coloring. Heres what you do: Cut the bottom off of the plastic bottle. If this is a project for kids, leave this part to an adult.Slip a sock over the cut end of the bottle. If you like, you can secure it with a rubber band or ponytail holder. Otherwise, a small sock fits just fine or you can hold the sock over the bottle.Squirt dishwashing liquid into a bowl or plate. Mix in a little water to thin it out a bit.Dip the sock end of the bottle into the dishwashing solution.Blow through the mouth of the bottle to make a bubble snake. Cool, right?To make a rainbow, stripe the sock with food coloring. You can make any colors you like. Rainbow colors would be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo violet. For most food coloring kits, this would be red, red yellow, yellow, green, blue, blue red. Apply more coloring for a more intense rainbow or to recharge the sock if you need more solution.Rinse yourself with water when youre done. The food coloring will stain fingers, clothes, etc., so its a messy project, best d one outdoors and wearing old clothes. You can rinse your homemade bubble wand and let it air dry if you wish to use again. Learn About Bubbles How Bubbles WorkMake Colored Bubble PicturesMake Colored Soap BubblesMake Glowing Bubbles
Thursday, November 21, 2019
National Health expenditures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
National Health expenditures - Assignment Example Similarly, the net cost of health insurance steadily rose from $2.6 billion in 1970 to $210.6 in 2013.Furthermore, the government expenditure on public health activities $1.4 billion in the year 1970 (CMS, 2007). Based on the National Health Expenditure figures, the value also increased to $75.4 billion by 2013.In addition, the Federal government has also increased its allocation in making the investment in the health sector. In 1970, the Federal government spent $7.8 billion in health investment. In 2013, a staggering $164.6 billion was allocated towards making new investments in the health sector (CMS, 2007). The percentage of GDP spent on NHE has been fluctuating from time to time. In some instance, the percentage change in GDP was negative and in some cases it was positive. In the year 1991, the percentage of GDP reduced sharply with a margin of -8%. In 2009, the percentage increase in GDP was the highest reaching the mark of 5.8% (Hennessy et al., 2007). According to the figures presented above, the analysis indicates that the government has been increasing funding for the purposing of improving quality health provision. One of the core mandates of the Federal government is to provide accessible medical care to its citizens. The federal government has ensured that it provides quality and available medical attention. Furthermore, the emergence of deadly diseases such as cancer that is most prevalent in most developed countries, the need to invest in medical care has been necessitated (CMS, 2010). The prices of medical care coverage have been relatively affordable. Affordability of care services has been made possible with the Federal government commitment to invest in the public health sector. Since the government expenditure in medical investment, medical services have been made affordable. The Federal government has promoted the creation of new national hospitals in a bid to ensure there is the accessibility of medical
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Economics Issues Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economics Issues - Coursework Example Consumers play a key role in perpetuating discrimination in the labor market through their choices and consumption patterns. If consumers prefer one commodity over another, they will lower demand in that labor market in which they do not prefer their goods. Consumers play a key role in perpetuating discrimination in the labor market through their choices and consumption patterns. If consumers prefer one commodity over another, they will lower demand in that labor market in which they do not prefer their goods. The law of diminishing marginal utility states that as consumption of a given commodity is increased by an individual while keeping the consumption of other products constant, there will be a decline in the marginal utility of the individual that is derived from the consumption of each and every additional unit of the product. The law of diminishing marginal utility does not contract the notion that individuals always want more of all goods because they are limited by the ir budget constraint hence they cannot acquire all that they want at any given instance. Properties of indifference curves(a) NonintersectionIndifference curves cannot intersect each other because, at the point of tangency, the curve on the higher side will yield much more of the two commodities as compared to the lower curve hence they can never intersect. (b) Convexity to the origin(c) The higher the indifference curve, the higher the level of satisfaction. The consumers will prefer to choose higher indifference curves since they aim at maximizing their utility. (d) Negatively sloping. The indifference curves are negatively sloping because the consumer must give up the consumption of one commodity in order to consume more of the other commodity.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Human Resources Management and Job Design Essay Example for Free
Human Resources Management and Job Design Essay This has been the problem with also several blue chip companies. Are there other issues which leads to commitment and loyalty to stay on in companies? The organizations could not afford to lose key individuals for some matters related to job dissatisfaction and discontentment. In such a scenario â€Å"Organizational Behavior†becomes a very essential tool in shaping employee morale. Job Design becomes all the more important and is an avenue that could lead to overall job contentment. It could be made more enriching and appealing to the employees by incorporating suitable Human Resource and Behavioral concepts. The objective of this paper is to identify some of the state of the art and tested techniques in Human Resources Management that could make the job more enriching and interesting to the employees. It aims at â€Å"Quality of Work Life†where the emphasis is given to issues like Quality, Time, Commitment, Work Culture and Social Responsibility. WE have to act to ‘Realize Our Needs’. Access to technology helps in marching forward but people have to be told to contribute to develop to their full potential, utilize resources improve relationships and acquire knowledge. Duplication of efforts to gain increased productivity, continuous quality improvement and progress could be avoided. Sharing the resources between nations can do this. Importance should be given to self-sufficiency and efficiency, stimulating original thinking resulting in effectives of the system. Introduction Emphasis of Industrial Engineering with respect to Human Resource Management and Job Design are Ergonomics, Human Factors, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Operations Research and Management. Experimental work in the field of Biomechanics, Human factors, Computer Integrated Manufacture, Process Control, Graphics, and Computation methods are done. Ergonomics and Human Factors includes biomechanics, man-machine systems, prevention of musculo-skeletal disorders, other industrial hygiene issues, and ergonomics and human factors issues in a aviation, space systems and rehabilitation. Manufacturing Systems Engineering includes computer-integrated manufacturing; the planning, design, and control of manufacturing systems; Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing; and the application of robotics, vision systems, and artificial intelligence in manufacturing. Operations Research includes deterministic and stochastic optimization; multi-criteria decision making; expert systems and artificial neural networks; modeling and analysis of system reliability; Total Quality Management; and the modeling, management, and simulation of manufacturing and service systems. Objective Aim of Human Resource Management to increase the awareness of the real power, to direct, to make decisions, to develop ethical systems, to enhance the lives of self others and to understand that the systems should be made successful with active participation of all working partners. Process This can be achieved through the development of conceptual skills, entrepreneur skills, leadership skills, manageria l skills, technical skills and communicational skills. Focusing on effective leadership, efficient management process, productive motivation, economic manufacturing and service, required training requirement and of skills for excellence. By viewing the situation in the present perspective, by formulation of changing alternatives and by choosing the best change alternative. It can be dealt easily with each and every aspect of life with power, freedom and full self-expression. Areas of life are health, well-being, leisure, fun, relationships, career, family, plans for future, retirement, quality of life, living situation, home, religion, spirituality, finances, income, sex, self-confidence communication and enrollment. Ability to listen and be present, to take unreasonable actions, overcome fear of failure, and live an upset free life and think positively always with sense of joy fulfillment and with unimpeachable integrity. Awareness of the real power is being present to what is happening now and being able to deal with full energy commitment without any doubt or ambiguity in the mind in each and every aspect of our life. Organize To be organized keep things in the same place every time. Ask every one to do the same. Take them when required and place them back as soon as the work is over in the same order, plan in advance what all needs to be done; now, after 1hour, after 6 hours, after 10 hours, today, tomorrow, this week, next week, this month, next month, this year, next year, next five years and next ten years.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Strategies to Enhance Ecuadors Technological Industry
Strategies to Enhance Ecuadors Technological Industry Renny Alexander Amaguaya Llamuca Abstract Ecuador is a very diverse country, known worldwide for its gigantic capacity to generate raw material. However being a developing country many consider it as incapable of generating technology. Currently the implementation of innovation programs has allowed an interesting evolution, that is to say that the Ecuador based on the technology, processes of automation and changes the academician has the capacity to improve its economy and introduced in the field of the technological research. These ambitious projects have made the country start a technological revolution. All Ecuadorians are working hard in the training of creative students, as young minds will be in charge of generating resources and developing the country. At the same time, scientific research is becoming one of Ecuadors fortunes; the country is moving forward and has a promising future We can do it. Introduction There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource. Without creativity there is no progress and we would always be repeating the same patterns (Edward de Bono).It should be emphasized that the industrial revolution was a very important starting point, because a very creative mind decided to do something different and thus began the human evolution. Technology is a characteristic of the human ability to build, from raw materials; a wide variety of objects, machines and tools, as well as development. It uses the scientific knowledge in order to respond to human needs and applies at industry to obtain optimal solutions. Technological advances have become essential, just look around in every moment and place we are surrounded by it, it is always present to make the life simpler. In Ecuadorian industry, technology is indispensable. In fact, most scientific efforts focus on the creation of new technologies and raise the production. Ecuadorian universities are currently preparing young people with great skills and brilliant minds, who are focusing more on environmental innovation and on a change of the productive matrix. These universities have developed a new educational system, in which the main interest is to foster creativity and innovation. The use of technology is immeasurable and will continue to change, based on the demands of its citizens and the market. However, Ecuadors technology industry could be enhanced through a school curriculum based on creativity and innovation in these ways: 1, technological programs at schools, 2 places/vocational centers where youths can obtain practical knowledge and 3, improve automation. Technological Programs at Schools First of all, the technology industry can be enhanced in Ecuador by technological programs at schools. Schools have to strive to implement custom methods where students can increase their creativity. Those kinds of programs are planned and designed carefully to such an extent that they maintain an impeccable order so that the development of these technological activities are completely effective for a continuous learning. Activities to be carried out are structured according to the age of young people. This teaching process is very similar to that implemented at Ohio State University in Columbus. Colleges place greater emphasis on learning material [and] Jung fears that opportunities for thoughts to flow freely are fewer now than in the past(Ossola, 2014). These programs have as main component its curriculum based on creativity, which is made up of activities that can be widely developed. Those were created to be developed without previous technology experience, Rex Jung (Professor of neurosurgery at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque) said, creativity is innate, it needs to be cultivated. Inside this curriculum, students should confront flexible programs, too. A great example of this implementation is University in Columbus; Ted Clark has been working with a number of high schools throughout Ohio to integrate creative problem (flexible programs) solving into science classes(Ossola,2014). According to the article Technology, Innovation, and Education(Harvard, 2014) schools are planning to get the key to unlock the freedom of students minds, because youths use the regions of the brain involved in daydreaming and imagination(Ossola,2014) and schools want to use that imagination. According to Joe Blatt Director of TIE The Technology, Innovation, and Education Program is a proven gateway to rewarding leadership careers in creating, implementing, and evaluating educational media and technology. Technological program is a way to train creative leaders in education with a continuous and very close interaction midst faculty and students. Therefore, Ecuador has taken a similar strategy where the objective of its program is reach a high standard of education based on the correct development of the creative skills of the students. The leaders of this technological program take as an example the objectives of the Finnish education system; The Finnish system is built on trust: on autonomous learning, on the value of teacher work and on the overall quality of the proposal(The Finland Phenomenon, Compton, 2012).In short, this fact must be a huge evolution to the next generation of students whose ideas would mean an extreme change for the whole Ecuador. Places/vocational centers where youths can obtain practical knowledge. Second of all, Ecuador should create Places/vocational centers where youths can obtain practical knowledge to enhanced Industry Technology. Practical knowledge is closely related to the use of technology as a didactic learning medium, according to Scientists Are More Creative than You Might Imagine (Ossola, 2014) practical activities would appear to take the magic out of the creative process, like having to explain your own joke.It means that students are excited about the possibility of using technology and are therefore more apt to learn. In addition, during this process of up-to-date learning, not only is it possible to get more information, but also to develop skills that are exclusively developed in the practical field. Exclusively Skills from practical knowledge. According to the article Solve a Teaching Problem(Mellon University, 2015),today youths are bored of study because the old style of teaching cans their minds, students learn better with a practical knowledge so Ecuador needs places where enough technology elements are available to youths to use it freely and encourage the development of innovative technologies. When youths work for a purpose, goal or own dream, the effort will be minimal because they will be free to act. This freedom will allow you to develop your own skills such as: The opportunity to interact with peers The collaboration Student responsibility Allow to take more control over the learning process Learn to make important decisions Ecuadors technology industry needs such sites to promote the desire of young people or children to create new technologies without fear of innovation failure; It will allow a continuous innovation in the country. Improve automation. In other hand, Ecuadors technology can be enhanced by improved automation, some of the few industries still work with old technology, because their bosses still thinking that humans can do their job better than a new machine. Automation means a technological change in the industry where first of all the production will be improved in time, economy and quality. People that above all have so much creative and knowledge can change the process of production based on the imagination to solve any problem. For instance William Kamkwamba the builder of windmills in Malawi is currently working on a design for a windmill powerful enough to pump water from wells and provide lighting for Masitala, a cluster of buildings where about 60 families live (Childress, 2007). Ecuador would add a technological medium that offers a more effective production process that demonstrates the technological development of the country. In the last decade the developing countries have made a great effort to close the industrialization gap, out of a total of 142 countries analyzed in 2012, Ecuador is in the 96th position, rising twelve seats in relation to the previous year, date In which according to the 2011 WEF report, it was at 108. Today the Ecuadorian government is working on a program to attract scientists, but to achieve this, it is necessary to carry out a long-term financing policy for the development of science and technology. Ecuador wants to change the last productive matrix where it was based on buying technology, but why not create? This fact could boost to the creation of new industries, where technology and science research might enhance the Ecuadors industry. Conclusion Ecuador over the years has managed to acquire a minimal technological evolution, which has undoubtedly improved in the last decade, but is succeeding in maintaining a quality technology thanks to the small educational revolution that the country achieved. All this progress demonstrates that our culture has succeeded in improving learning and developing new skills. State-owned enterprises are currently looking for business development and better customer service, based on technologies that can provide satisfaction. Beyond importing the latest technology, the state seeks to improve the economic, social and technological structure. Ecuadorian industry should try to implement selected pilot programs to promote the environmental care, trying to be a pioneer country in technological development focused on environmental protection. Vocational centers and automation are technical keys to improving the innovation system in Ecuador. Innovative uses of technology, increasing the availability of information workstations and providing training in theoretical centers. Young people enjoyed training time to improve competition in innovation. New types of technology simulations should also be implemented in schools to improve basic curriculum training, which will make it easier to integrate technology with students. In addition, the relation between creativity and practical knowledge previously obtained will help to reduce the lack of automation in the Ecuadorian industry. Taking place to the true transformation of productive matrix. References
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Operation Barbarossa Essay
Operation Barbarossa, the code name given to Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, would come to be considered one of Nazi Germany’s greatest follies in the Second World War, and would play a monumental role in bringing an end to Hitler’s regime just a few years later. Though the operation itself lasted less than six months it resulted in four years of harsh fighting on the Eastern Front, marked by an enormous casualty toll for both the Russians and the Germans and countless battles fought in the cruel conditions of Russian winter. All of this despite the fact that both countries had engaged in a mutual non-aggression pack two short years earlier. In 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a series of agreements regarding how both countries would split the territory separating them and share the resources therein. Signing of the pact created strong political and economic ties between the two nations, at least on the surface. Historians, however, argue that the pact was doomed to fail long before it was even signed, as Hitler had long harbored a disgust for the Soviet Union’s Slavic peoples, which he viewed as sub-human. Couple this racial prejudice with the extremely different political ideologies governing both countries and it becomes clear that the relationship between Germany and the Soviet Union was merely one of temporary convenience. Despite the volatile nature of the German-Soviet relationship, it still struck many as incomprehensible why Hitler should choose to invade Russia in 1941, with war already raging in the west. One can only judge that Hitler, in a misplaced display of ego, believed the west to already be won, with France effectively crushed and England standing as the only viable opponent on that front, struggling hopelessly to maintain a foothold on the European mainland. Believing the western front was theirs, Germany sought to expand her influence and complete her domination of Europe by conquering the resource-rich eastern countries- including the powerhouse of the Soviet Union. Preparations for the invasion began in April of ’41, as Germany began to secretly amass troops on her eastern borders. The plan involved a three-pronged Blitzkreig attack that would simultaneously strike northern Russia with the object of taking Leningrad, while a second group struck toward Moscow and a third took a southern route through the Ukraine. By doing this, Hitler believed that the Russians would be caught completely off guard and would be unable to mount an effective defense in so many places at once. Hitler’s plan, however, contained a number of fatal flaws. Firstly, he greatly underestimated the numbers and strength of the Soviet military, which had effectively doubled its number of troops, artillery pieces and aircraft since the outbreak of war in western Europe. Though not all of this strength was situated in the western part of Russia, where Hitler planned to strike, significant advances had also been made in Soviet infrastructure (most significantly, their railroad system) such as allowed for more efficient movement of troops and supplies, and therefore faster mobilization. Also, the German superiority in armor, which had served them so well in their western blitzkrieg was lost to them here- Soviet tanks, though less technologically advanced at this point in the war, actually outnumbered German tanks approximately four-to-one. The one advantage inarguably held by the Germans was troop quality. The German army was well trained, well equipped and led by experienced and educated officers. The Soviet army, in contrast, were untested by battle and overwhelming led by incompetent officers, many of whom had been given their commissions in exchange for political favors. The vast majority of Soviet officers had less than one year of experience, as many of the older and more experienced commanders had been executed or imprisoned during Stalin’s â€Å"Great Purge†between 1936 and 1938. When Operation Barbarossa began in the pre-dawn hours of June 22nd, 1941, Germany initially made fantastic gains. Approximately three million German soldiers, supported by armor and the Luftwaffe swarmed across the border, advancing more than 200 miles in the next 5 days. The only solid resistance they were met with in the first few days of the attack came in the south, where Soviet commanders reacted quickly and were able to organize an effective defense. The central and northern arms of the German advance, however, met little resistance and charged ahead at full speed- a factor that would later return to haunt them. Armored divisions of the German army actually advanced too quickly, putting them well ahead of the infantry divisions meant to support them. This forced Hitler to call the Panzer divisions to a halt for nearly a week to allow their accompanying infantry troops time to catch up- a week that was used by the Soviets to amass troops ahead of the German advance and fortify target cities such as Stalingrad. By the time the order was given to resume the advance, heavy rainstorms struck which greatly slowed the progress of German tanks attempting to slog down muddy roads. With their advance slowed and the element of surprise expired, the Germans faced ever-strengthening resistance from the Soviet army. In a decision that would prove disastrous, Hitler ordered the central arm of the attack to call-off its march for Moscow and redeploy to the north and south, strengthening the other two prongs of the invasion in hopes of quickly capturing the rich oil fields in the south and the Soviet stronghold of Leningrad in the north. This had mixed results, as the southern wing of the attack was eventually successful in capturing Kiev, and with it an approximate 600,000 Soviet troops, but the advance in the north stalled as heavy resistance was met in Leningrad. The southern wing, after completing its advance through the Ukraine, resumed the march toward Moscow, ultimately coming within 15 miles of the Soviet capital before the Soviets’ greatest ally came to their aid- the harsh Russian winter. As had been the case for Napoleon more than a hundred years earlier, the Russian winter proved disastrous to the unprepared German troops. Expecting a quick victory, the German army had not bothered to supply its men with winter uniforms, and as the snows set in many found themselves facing temperatures well below zero wearing little more than light cotton summer clothing. Frostbite, pneumonia and other side effects of the horrendous cold mercilessly ate away at the German divisions, which were already weakened by months of hard fighting. To make matters worse the cold prevented use of German tanks in many instances, which froze solid in the fields, and high winter winds and snow flurries grounded the Luftwaffe, preventing air support. The Soviets in contrast, well accustomed and prepared for the hardships of winter, took the opportunity to launch a massive counter attack which robbed the Germans of most of their earlier gains, pushing them back over 200 miles and removing the pressure on Moscow. Never again would the Germans make it so deep into Russian territory, though the war continued on and countless more men would die in the years to come. The failure of Operation Barbarossa proved disastrous to Hitler’s Reich, which lost huge numbers of valuable and experienced troops and vast amounts of material that would have proved invaluable to them later in the war. They also awoke the military beast that was Soviet Russia and forced themselves to actively wage war on two fronts, a strain that would eventually prove too much for Germany as Allied efforts redoubled in the west with the entrance of the United States into the conflict.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Oppressed Rights by the Oppressive Regime in Margaret Atwood’s the Handmaid’s Tale Essay
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale delves well into the horrid nature of extreme control and immoral limitations in defining the corrupt theocratic government at large, and more specifically the effect this control has on the society’s women. In an age in which a newly emerged and merciless governmental system called the Republic of Gilead has â€Å"put life back to the middle ages,†sparked by a widespread panic of infertility, personal freedom and individuality have become unimaginably reduced (Genny 1). Handmaids selected to live in the houses of wealthy, well-respected couples go through a life entirely designed by the government for the sole purpose of bearing children. Caught between following the strict rules made for women by the Republic and breaking them in secret for the sake of her sanity, the protagonist Offred essentially but not purposefully offers close to nothing for her society’s benefit. Not allowed to read, write, speak her thoughts or even look another in the eye, the most she can offer proves to be occasional, well-monitored grocery errands and the slight possibility of providing the gift of life for an elite Commander and his Wife. Parallel to a dystopia in which Offred has been stripped of the most simplistic allowances, women in today’s various Middle Eastern societies find relatively equal difficulty in utilizing their strengths due to the severe suppression and forced structure of their daily lives. Regardless of the varying context of these two scenarios, they both present themselves problematically in light of women’s personal struggle to contribute in societyâ€â€in both Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and the modern Middle East, seemingly unethical yet extreme theocratic government exercises examples of such radically unformed control over its people that the exploitation and demeaning of the natural rights of women become prevalent. But on what grounds should the male citizens of the Republic of Gilead and those in today’s foreign communities be granted more liberation and opportunity while the women are held more captive of their own independence? As Offred finds herself trapped in such an unreasonably restrained living situation, she instinctively recognizes the current lack of available free will because she once knew what freedom looked and felt like. For example, in opposition of her training as a handmaid with the Aunts, she cannot help but wander her ind back to the pre-Republic days â€Å"thousands of years before,†when she and fellow females could actually go to school and watch â€Å"movies of the rest of the world†that even included â€Å"dancing[,] singing, ceremonial masks, [and music],†clearly taking place in a land where â€Å"people†¦were happy†(Atwood 118). Offred as well as other handmaids in her place inevitably suffer within their reality by trying to maintain a grasp on the memories of such privileges they once took for granted, such as real television to promote quality education. Instead of living the naturally liberal life of opportunity that was once available to Offred and existed in her home and school life, such a vision has been taken away by the government and exists now only in her memory, as the Aunts present to her and the other potential handmaids a government-approved film with â€Å"the title and [few] names blacked out†¦with a crayon so [they] couldn’t read them†â€â€another example of a ludicrous constraint, reading, that could have instilled fruitful possibilities in the mind of a woman (Atwood 119). In addition, as if the recollection of accredited education and other past events were not enough a cause of longing, Offred also recalls the fearless, empowering spirits of her late loved onesâ€â€particularly her mother whom she spots in the film, â€Å"wearing the kind of outfit Aunt Lydia told [the handmaids] was typical of Unwomen in those days†while â€Å"smiling, laughing†¦and raising [her] fists in the air†(Atwood 119). To witness such a wild and free spirit in action, that once was allowed for women but has been officially banned by the radical Christian followings of the Republic of Gilead, undoubtedly sparks a deep temptation within handmaids to rebel against this authority inflicting such â€Å"unacceptable losses of intellectual liberty†; however, such a temptation proves to be a challenge to pursue for some women today (Tolan 1). While the initial teachings of Islam attempted to improve living conditions for Muslim women by granting them some of the same rights as men in the seventh century, women become incapable of endorsing these rights when their society attempts to enforce the â€Å"laws†of the Islamic religion, described by the Columbia University professors who wrote At the Crossroads of the World: Women in the Middle East: Today, many Muslim women do not have the opportunity to enjoy rights once considered theirs by their religion. Women may be unaware of their rights or live in societies where these rights have been misinterpreted or misrepresented by individuals in power (be it the state, culture, or family). In Muslim countries around the world, there is a fundamental difference between what is prescribed by religious texts and what is actually practiced, a gulf between the ideal and the real (Esposito 1998, xiii). Often, the purportedly ‘religiously grounded’ restrictions placed on women within certain societies have little or nothing to do with the teachings of Islam. More often they are a function of socioeconomic and political factors. Recent examples of such restrictions included Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, which prohibited women from receiving medical attention from males and placed other restrictions on their movement in public (Revolutionary Association of the Women in Afghanistan)(Crocco, Pervez, and Katz 110). At most, these women are granted with the illusion that they possess legitimate freedoms, when in actuality their government prohibits this execution with the false justification that it simply conforms to the Islamic religion. The handmaids and all women alike governed by the Republic of Gilead correspondingly must follow the rules of the regime that claims to be operating in the name of the Christian faith in an attempt to validate its restrictive essence. Thus, no question exists as to how Offred becomes â€Å"increasingly reckless with her actions and behaviors,†or to why in the end â€Å"there is the strong possibility that her recklessness has cost her her life†(Genny 1). Most emphatically does Offred’s situation come off as unjust when she finally experiences a small taste of the natural freedom she once had but still deserves. Because it is obviously an â€Å"oasis of the forbidden,†she has to force herself to â€Å"hold†¦absolutely rigid†when the Commander invites her into his off-limits personal turf to play a game of Scrabble, something harmless, yet banned. Despite â€Å"[t]he fact that [she’s] terrified,†Offred still recognizes that â€Å"this is freedom[;] an eyeblink of it,†as if â€Å"he were offering her drugs†(Atwood 138-139). While Atwood implies in her novel that â€Å"feminist utopianism cannot avoid the taint of totalitarianism,†she employs the concept of defiance in that Offred can nourish her natural tendencies to actually enjoy herself through breaking the rules (Tolan 30). Similarly for the women in Iraq, the Ba’ath Party that emerged in 1963 sought provisions for women’s equality, including the liberties of education and employment; however, outside the major urban center of Baghdad, â€Å"the society still relegated Iraqi women to a very inferior position vis-a-vis men†(Brown and Romano 1). To maintain two adjacent communities with such contrasting ways of governing women is arguably contradicting and therefore, a cause for concern. Ultimately, women have simplistically natural rights that ought not to be rendered in the least, especially by illegitimate theocratic governments. Under no circumstances are the rights to thought, decision, reading, and writing, among many others, capable of being outlawed justifiably, regardless of gender. With such liberties, women carry great potential in contributing to society, despite the possibility of infertility or radically religious devotionâ€â€and in a lot of cases, that contribution can be imperative. Today in Iraq, a woman cannot own private property or hold any status, while forced to give up her education and marry a stranger. However, women still make up 65% percent of the population, and make up 70% of the agricultural workforce (Al-Jawaheri and Harris). Though they continue to fight for the equal rights and treatment they deserve while accepting their low circumstances, the crucial importance of granting women this moral blessing remains strong.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Dangerous Rock Music essays
Dangerous Rock Music essays Rock music and the word dangerous have been known to be used in the same sentence together; is it dangerous because of the lyrics or is it just dangerous to our hearing? Rock music has been around since the fifties, so has the last 40 years created dangerous people causing violence and mayhem or is violence just in our nature? Parents have been trying to fight against the devil music (Rock music) that was corrupting the youth since the fifties and are still trying to rid the world of it. Yet, it is ok to play tackle football, hockey, boxing and be on the wrestling team because those are considered a sport. Parents can only see music associated with pain, sex and violence. There is no proof from either side that music contributes to violence, parents are using just casual observation. Just because of a few committed acts of anger, people point fingers and use music as a sense of reason for horrible active violence. The truth is that rock music is just not dangerous and if we we re to pinpoint where the violence in our society begun, it would be in the quality of our parenting. Parents cannot take away The freedom of speech amendment that are forefathers created for us. Without it the government would censer and take away our rights. Our forefathers could not imagine that one day there would be music so disgusting, violent, loud, sexual, and contain foul language. People of today believe rock music manipulates the mind of young innocent people. The Freedom of Speech amendment is overused and needs to be rewritten by the government. It is not the peoples fault for listening to violent rock music: it is the artists who created the music, peer pressure from friends and family, music television (MTV), fashion, fame and society. Under the guise of free speech merchandisers are aggressively doing violence to our kids. They in turn, are doing violence to each other (527 Cultural Vandals)....
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A Quiz on Treatment of 75 Compound Words
A Quiz on Treatment of 75 Compound Words A Quiz on Treatment of 75 Compound Words A Quiz on Treatment of 75 Compound Words By Mark Nichol Open, hyphenated, or closed? Usage guides, dictionaries, and style manuals may differ in their treatment of the following words, so there’s not necessarily one right answer except for the purposes of this exercise: Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. All terms in this list are treated as open compounds. Which ones should be left as is, and which should be hyphenated or closed, and in which usages? The correct forms according to Merriam-Webster are listed at the bottom of the page. 1. Air borne 2. Anti social 3. Audio visual 4. Back log 5. Blood pressure 6. Book keeping 7. Bull’s eye 8. By law 9. Catch all 10. Check book 11. Child like 12. Clearing house 13. Court martial 14. Crew neck 15. Cross reference 16. Dog sled 17. Father land 18. Far reaching 19. First hand 20. Free style 21. Freeze dried 22. Fresh water 23. Go between 24. Great uncle 25. Half brother 26. High school 27. Higher ups 28. House hold 29. Inter agency 30. Key word 31. Jewel like 32. Land mass 33. Life size 34. Light year 35. Long term 36. Lower case 37. Main frame 38. Mass produced 39. Mid week 40. Mother ship 41. Multi purpose 42. Near collision 43. North west 44. Off shore 45. On site 46. Over supply 47. Pine cone 48. Pipe line 49. Policy maker 50. Post war 51. Pre existing 52. President elect 53. Pro life 54. Pseudo intellectual 55. Quasi realistic 56. Real time 57. Record breaker 58. River bed 59. Sea coast 60. Self control 61. Semi final 62. Shell like 63. Six pack 64. Snow melt 65. Socio economics 66. Step mother 67. Stomach ache 68. Strong hold 69. Toll free 70. Two fold 71. Under water 72. Vice president 73. Wild life 74. World wide 75. Year round Answers 1. Airborne 2. Antisocial 3. Audiovisual 4. Backlog 5. Blood pressure (in the dictionary, so never hyphenate, except when combined with another adjective, as in â€Å"high-blood-pressure medication†) 6. Bookkeeping 7. Bull’s-eye 8. Bylaw 9. Catchall 10. Checkbook 11. Childlike 12. Clearinghouse 13. Court-martial 14. Crew neck (in the dictionary, so never hyphenate) 15. Cross-reference 16. Dogsled 17. Fatherland 18. Far-reaching 19. Firsthand 20. Freestyle 21. Freeze-dried 22. Freshwater 23. Go-between 24. Great-uncle 25. Half brother (in the dictionary, so never hyphenate) 26. High school (in the dictionary, so never hyphenate) 27. Higher-ups 28. Household 29. Interagency 30. Keyword 31. Jewel-like (because of the collision of two ls) 32. Landmass 33. Life-size 34. Light-year 35. Long term (hyphenate only when the phrase modifies a following noun) 36. Lowercase 37. Mainframe 38. Mass-produced 39. Midweek 40. Mother ship (in the dictionary, so never hyphenate) 41. Multipurpose 42. Near collision (hyphenate only when the phrase modifies a following noun) 43. Northwest 44. Offshore 45. On-site 46. Oversupply 47. Pinecone 48. Pipeline 49. Policymaker (not in the dictionary, but other -maker constructions, such as winemaker, are closed; if it looks wrong, leave it open) 50. Postwar 51. Preexisting 52. President-elect 53. Pro-life 54. Pseudo-intellectual (not in the dictionary, bust pseudo- constructions in which the second word starts with a vowel, such as pseudo-event, are hyphenated; those in which the second word starts with a consonant, such as pseudopod, are closed) 55. Quasirealistic (not in the dictionary, but most quasi- constructions, such as quasiperiodic, are closed; it if it looks wrong, hyphenate it) 56. Real time (hyphenate only when the phrase modifies a following noun) 57. Record breaker (not in the dictionary, but all other compounds with breaker, such as â€Å"circuit breaker,†are open) 58. Riverbed 59. Seacoast 60. Self-control 61. Semifinal 62. Shell-like (hyphenate only because of the collision of the ls) 63. Six-pack 64. Snowmelt 65. Socioeconomics 66. Stepmother 67. Stomachache 68. Stronghold 69. Toll free (hyphenate when the phrase modifies a following noun) 70. Twofold (but hyphenate with a number, as in 10-fold) 71. Underwater 72. Vice president (always open, though other compounds containing vice, such as vice-regent and viceroy, are treated differently) 73. Wildlife 74. Worldwide 75. Year-round Scoring guide 0-25 correct: Always look it up. 26-50 correct: Always look it up. 51-75 correct: Always look it up. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Types of RhymeThe Six Spellings of "Long E"13 Theatrical Terms in Popular Usage
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans Research Paper - 3
Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans - Research Paper Example The plan (implementation) can be monitored effectively if it is categorized and sub divided into steps. The steps can be listed as follows. B&G Foods must work on knowing all the details related to the â€Å"Strategic Plan†i.e. the strategies developed or proposed previously. Each of the strategy including promotion and marketing, Expansion of the product line and technological advancement must be known to the employers. The outcome of analyzing the strategic plan will illustrate the objectives and goals that are needed to be fulfilled. This step will help in setting the priorities and also to recognize the most difficult tasks. The tasks will be studied and the employees of B&G Foods will work for their solution in the best possible ways (functional tactics). All the aspects related to the time and costs are to be evaluated, to identify the least effective to the most useful and cost effective tasks. Once the evaluation of the strategy is done the employers of B&G Foods need to make a vision of â€Å"What they want to do?†This vision may include the goals identified and the priorities that are set in the Evaluation step. This is a step-by-step plan to achieving the goals; every employee must be informed of his/her duties. The development of a team is the next step of the Implementation Plan. The employers of the B&G Foods have to make sure that the teams that are formed are well organized and have the skills required. The communication channel must be strong among the team members so that they can interact easily and work together in a more effective and efficient manner. The introduction of a team member in the team will help the team focused in a certain direction. The scheduling (deadlines and milestones) is explained to the team members and they are asked to work according to the plan. The weekly or monthly meetings must be scheduled in order to get the information about the work of the team and discuss the progress. The team(s) must be guided
Friday, November 1, 2019
Drivers Influencing SMEs in the UK Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Drivers Influencing SMEs in the UK - Term Paper Example To begin with, the UK is a developed country that is considered economically stable and highly competitive in the global market. In fact, in 2008 it was ranked in terms of nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the European region. In addition, it is the sixth largest economy globally in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) (Excellis Business Consulting, 2009). The country is a member of some of the most prominent organisations in the world including the European Union (EU), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Security Council, World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the G8 (Excellis Business Consulting, 2009). The country’s population was slightly below 50 million according to a census conducted in 2008 and ranked third in the EU (Excellis Business Consulting, 2009). The UK remains one of the proficient players in the global economy after recovering from the economic and political effects of the two world wars. Manufacturing is a key component of the UK economy however, it can be noted that it only accounted for approximately 13 percent of the output in 2003. The industry also contributes nearly half of the exports and ? 150 billion annually (Excellis Business Consulting, 2009). This trend has led to the increased levels of transfer of the UK manufacturing base and foreign ownership. In recent times, UK based companies are no longer the leaders in the manufacturing sector. Nevertheless, the UK still ranked sixth worldwide with regards to Gross Value Added (GVA) and manufacturing output (Excellis Business Consulting, 2009). Most conventional manufacturing companies have evolved into new activities such as silicon design, silicon design, in-flight refueling systems, and Bluetooth technology. Other manufacturers have engaged in the development of state of the art technologies in nanotechnology, information technology, and communication. In 2006, 25 percent of the exports were in the high technology class compared to 22 percent in the US and 15 percent in France (Excellis Business Consulting, 2009. Globalisation has both positive and negative impacts on SMEs. It poses numerous challenges such as increased competition and exposes the economy to pressures in the global economy such as recessions (Beise, 2004). Globalization allows for the free trade and global companies can trade in the UK market resulting in increased competition (Dicken, 2007:5). This affects the viability and competitiveness of SMEs. Owing to the fact that SMEs are in search of uncontested market space, globalization leads to an increase in the number of players in the market and this increases the level of competition faced by the SMEs thereby negatively affecting profitability. Through globalization, the global economy is viewed as one entity hence if there is an economic crisis in one economy it is likely to have a ripple effect on other economies. This means that SMEs are more e xposed to global economic crises owing to the rising trend of globalization (Dicken, 2007:5). These are the negative impacts of globalization on SMEs.
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