Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Additional Duties of Phlebotomist Essay Example for Free
Additional Duties of Phlebotomist Essay -Urine specimen obtained after a thorough cleansing of the glans penis (males) and the labia and urethral meatus (females). -Following the cleansing procedure, the patient passes the first portion of urine into the toilet, stops and collects the mid-portion in the specimen container. -This provides a sample that is less contaminated by epithelial cells and bacteria (normal flora). Methods of Urine Collection See more: Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essay CATHETERIZED SPECIMEN -Specimen of choice for patient suffering from urinary retention. (Patient cannot void voluntarily) -The specimen is collected under sterile conditions by passing the catheter through the urethra into the bladder. -The specimen is used for BACTERIAL CULTURE. -If routine urinalysis is requested, culture should be performed first to prevent contamination. SUPRAPUBIC ASPIRATION -Involves urine collection directly from the bladder by puncturing the abdominal wall and the bladder using a needle syringe. -Since the bladder is normally sterile, it is primarily used for bacterial cultures and for infants to whom contamination is unavoidable. -The only specimen acceptable for both aerobic and anaerobic urine culture. -Can be used for cytological analysis of urine Urine Culture -Samples collected by MSCC, Catheterized Suprapubic aspiration can be used for AEROBIC CULTURE. -The only urine collection method acceptable for ANAEROBIC CULTURE is SUPRAPUBIC ASPIRATION. -COMMERCIALLY available plastic urine collection bags with hypoallergenic skin adhesive. -Also referred as wee bag. Uses chain of custody (COC) which refers to the process that provides documentation of proper sample identification from the time of collection to the receipt of laboratory results. The COC is a standardized form that must document and accompany every step of drug testing, from collector to courier to laboratory to medical review officer to employer. DRUG SPECIMEN COLLECTION -Required volume of urine 30-45 ml -The urine temperature must be taken within 4 minutes from the time of collection to confirm the specimen has not been adulterated. -The temperature should read within the range of 32.5C to 37.7C. -Recollection of a second specimen as soon as possible will be necessary in the following cases: Urine temperature outside the recommended range
Monday, January 20, 2020
Foreign vs. American Women in Marriage :: essays research papers
Foreign Vs. American Women Since the beginning, relationships between man and woman have been very hard to understand and conglomerate into one persona. There is always the level of interest between the male and female that must to exist to allow the relationships infancy. According to the Bible, the woman was a gift from God, designed to aid the man in his work for God. Wars started leaving peace or hatred between countries over the many years of our existence. The amount of time countries refused foreign relations created differences in looks, actions, ideals, and beliefs of its culture. Not much thoughts given to the female race and impacts they received from the lack of diversity. The question of today, due to increasing divorce rates, is should she be a Foreigner or American. According to nomarriage.com, 'A huge percentage of American women are selfish, flighty, insecure, needy, and psychotic.' Often Foreign women, portray many of the qualities American women out-grew in the ever-increasing crunch for liberation of freedoms. Another difference would be in outward attitude portrayal. Quoted from nomarraige.com, 'Women in America seem to have cold, superficial, or stuck-up attitudes.' Foreign women hold themselves in the center of their relationships by not passing any judgments. American women of today are trying to achieve the top of the professional ladder, leaving less time for family. Enticing them to do what man seemingly suppressed her from doing all these years, while the foreign women are perfectly happy with their femininity and try to progress with their husbands forward. The divorce rates are extremely higher in American-to-American marriages. The Foreign-to-American divorce rate is currently 20% as stated by United States Citizenshi p and Immigration Services (USCIS). American-to-American divorce rate is within the 45%-55% range based on a study by divorcestatistics.org. Foreign women tend to have different physical features. The rare physical features are intriguing and above the regular, that we see each day. This often causes animosity from the western women who are comfortable in our land of opportunity. Foreign women tend to speak a minimum of two different languages, allowing ease in communication proficiency and understanding different cultures. All the females of the world, however, possess the heart that loves a man. Whether an American or foreigner, at one point the female will truly love the man she courted.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Lev Vygotsky’s Theory Essay
The development or the growing-up process of a child has been considered as the most critical and crucial part of a person’s life. It is in this stage where most changes take place which determines the strength or weakness of the foundations of one’s skills and capabilities as he or she grows up. Human development has also been an interesting topic or research in the field of psychology over the years. Theories and concepts have been formulated and developed in order to create a wide understanding of the process of human development as it plays a significant part in a person’s foundation as an adult. The developmental process of a child includes several aspects like the physiological, emotional, and cognitive development. In this paper, the focus shall be on cognitive development and the process of language acquisition, as proposed and theorized by Lev Vygotsky. What is Cognitive Development and Language Acquisition? Cognitive development is a part of the overall dynamic process of human maturity. In current media, a lot of products like milk, supplements, and health commodities for children have been advertised to contribute on improving the wellness of a child’s cognitive development. This shows how the current society values this aspect of child development with special importance. Cognitive development pertains to how an individual understands and grasps ideas through learned factors and genetics as well. This developmental aspect is made up of five fields, namely, information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development, and memory (Wells, 2008). Understanding the whole cognitive development of a child may not be complete without understanding these core fields. However, this paper shall focus on one area which is language development. The definition of intelligence and cognitive development has also become a popular debate among psychologists like Vygotsky and Piaget. Piaget defines intelligence as the ability of an individual to adapt to his or her environment through several adaptation models which include the concepts of assimilation and accommodation, both of which place stronger emphasis on the individual (cited in Lloyd, 1995). On the other hand, Vygotsky argues that cognitive development refers to the capacity of a person to learn through instruction with an emphasis on the environment. Moreover, Vygotsky saw the capability of individuals to learn through instruction as the basic feature of human intelligence (cited in Lloyd, 1995). In medical terms, language development can be identified as the process wherein the complexity of symbols, sounds, and meanings combined is being expanded steadily. This process shall depend on how a person interprets, understands, and perceives objects and symbols as influenced by his or her environment and learning process (Biology Online, 2005). Among children, especially those of 1 to 2 years of age, the early developments in language can be very well observed in their constant cooing, imitation of adult sounds and words, babbling, and use of shortened words and sentences (Biology Online, 2005). Lev Vygotsky’s Views on the Roots of Though and Language Lev Semenovich Vygotsky is a German psychologist who explained and expounded on the genetic approach to the early developments of thoughts and concepts in human development. He connected the changes and transitions occurring in this process from childhood to adulthood through a series of human developmental stages (Marxist Internet Archive, 1990). Although his theories have been rejected in the United States during the earlier part of the political conflict between the U. S. and Soviet Union, his works still became popular as the Cold War ended up to present date. His works basically revolved around the roots of thought and language. It will be easier to understand Vygotsky’s theories in psychology by understanding the main arguments from which his theories are rooted from. His main arguments about intelligence and cognitions state that, (1) thinking is understood developmentally in terms of its roots and succeeding growth at the individual and cultural levels of analysis; (2) thinking is interceded by semiotic mechanisms like speech which can be considered as the most powerful of such mechanisms; and (3) there are certain thinking processes like problem solving, voluntary memory, and self-regulation which have roots from social processes and interactions (Vygotsky cited in Goswami, 2004). As one may observe, more often than not, Vygotsky used the terms â€Å"speech†and â€Å"thinking†than language and thought. This preference to use such terms was believed to be linked with his perception of speech as a social or shared process (Lloyd, 1995). For Vygotsky, the developments of thinking and speech are two separate entities: thought being non-verbal and language being non-intellectual. However, he explained that during a specific time in a person’s life (around the age of two), the lines of development of these two areas start to meet again to induce the creation of a new behavior (Vygotsky cited in Schutz, 2004). He was able to expound his positions on this concept as he noted that, (1) thinking and speech have different roots at the start of their development; (2) at the beginning, there will be a pre-intellectual stage for speech and a pre-linguistic stage for thought; (3) there will come a point in time when these two aspects shall follow different curves unaffected with each other; (4) at a second point, their curves shall meet where thought will turn verbal, and speech, on the other hand, will turn rational; and lastly, (5) thinking and speech are not always overlying each other (Lloyd, 1995). Vygotsky’s theory has also been particular about the construction of words and acquisition of word meanings. He explains that the formation of word and word meaning is in a way related to how a child perceives a problem in communicating with his or her guardian. Vygotsky claims that word meanings are derived from the problem of not knowing what to call or how to describe a specific object, feeling, or thought, which the child usually asks from an adult (cited in Schutz, 2004). Vygotsky also acquired interest in understanding the possibilities that language may indeed affect how a person thinks. In contrast to Piaget’s focus on children’s egocentric and private speech, Vygotsky dealt with language as a form of social communication which progressively supports both language and thinking process. Applications of Vygotsky’s Constructivist Cognition Concept to a Child’s Education and Language formation Vygotsky’s Language Acquistion Theory has been influenced by the constructivist approach. In constructivism, problem solving is the core idea of all forms of learning, thinking, and development; that is, as a child encounters a problem and discovers consequences for its solutions, he or she eventually forms his or her thinking and understanding of a certain concept (Vygotsky cited in Brewer, 2007). In the constructivist view, prior knowledge plays a big part on how a child will perceive things as he or she grows up; that is, it is important for the learner to be able to construct new information into his or her current knowledge because the information connected to the learner’s prior experiences shall be forgotten easily. In application to real life situations, teachers can try to learn about the children’s prior knowledge about a specific problem or a specific topic which confuses them in order to gauge what the children already know and help them understand different experiences (Brewer, 2007). In relation to language development, Vygotsky also coined the concept of the zone of proximal development, which emphasizes that children acquire knowledge about objects and concepts they see as confusing through directed interactions from guardians, teachers, and parents. He explained that what children learn with the guidance and assistance of people around them appears to be a lot more suggestive of their learning development compared to what they usually do alone (Vygotsky, 1987, qtd. in Lloyd, 1995). Thus, speech and word meaning which is acquired by a child alone may not give him or her the utmost linguistic potential he or she can have. Language development as well as the other aspects of development a child goes through in the early years is highly important regardless of the learning genre or theory followed. Theories like Vygotsky’s language acquisition theory are formulated to give people specific basis of the different developmental processes. A child’s language development is never as plain as teaching him or her words and names; rather, it is a complex process which involves crucial elements and key areas where parents, teachers, and concerned guardians have to focus on in order to help the child realize his or her full potential. References Biology Online. (2005, October 3). Language Development.Retrieved November 14, 2008 from http://www. biology-online. org/dictionary/Language_development Brewer, W. (2007). Learning theory: Constructivist approach. Answers. com. Retrieved November 14, 2008 from http://www. answers. com/topic/learning-theory-constructivist-approach Goswami, U. (2004). Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Lloyd. P. (1995). Psychology: Cognitive and Language Development. Leicester, UK: British Psychological Society. Marxist Internet Archive. (1990). Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich (1896-1934). Retrieved November 14, 2008 from http://www. marxists. org/glossary/people/v/y. htm#vygotsky-lev Schutz, R. (2004, December 5). Vygotsky & language acquisition. English Made in Brazil. Retrieved November 14, 2008 from http://www. sk. com. br/sk-vygot. html Wells, K. R. (2008). Cognitive development. Encyclopedia of Children’s Health. Retrieved November 14, 2008 from http://www. healthofchildren. com/C/Cognitive-Development. html
Saturday, January 4, 2020
New Horizons in the Outer Solar System
The outer solar system is the region of space beyond the planet Neptune, and the last frontier. The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft have passed beyond the orbit of Neptune, but have not encountered any more worlds. That all changed with the New Horizons mission. The spacecraft spent 10 years flying out to Pluto, and then swept past the ​dwarf planet on July 14, 2015. It not only looked at Pluto and its five known moons, but the spacecrafts cameras mapped part of the surface. Other instruments concentrated on finding out more about the atmosphere. New Horizons mages show that Pluto has a complex surface with icy plains made of nitrogen ice, surrounded by jagged mountains consisting mostly of water ice. It turns out that Pluto was far more fascinating than anyone expected! Now that it has passed Pluto, New Horizons will explore the Kuiper Belt  a region of the solar system that stretches out beyond the planet Neptune and populated with so-called Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). The best-known KBOs are dwarf planets Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris, and Haumea. The mission has been approved to visit another dwarf planet called 2014 MU69, and will sweep past it on January 1, 2018. Luckily, this little world lies right along the missions flight path. In the far distant future, New Horizons will enter the fringes of the Oort Cloud (the shell of icy particles that surrounds the solar system, named for astronomer Jan Oort). After that, it will traverse space forever. New Horizons: Its Eyes and Ears​ New Horizons science instruments were designed to answer questions about Pluto, such as: what does its surface look like? What surface features does it have, such as impact craters or canyons, or mountains? Whats in its atmosphere? Lets take a look at the spacecraft and its specialized eyes and ears that have shown us so much about Pluto. Ralph: a high-resolution mapper with visible and infrared cameras to gather data that will help create very good maps of Pluto and Charon. Alice: an imaging spectrometer sensitive to ultraviolet light, and built to probe Pluto’s atmosphere. A spectrometer separates light into its wavelengths, like a prism does. Alice works to produce an image of the target at each wavelength, and will be able to study the â€Å"airglow†at Pluto. Airglow happens when gases in the atmosphere are excited (heated). Alice will track light from a distant star or the Sun through Pluto’s atmosphere to pick out wavelengths of light absorbed by Plutos air, which tells us what the atmosphere contains. REX: short for radio experiment. It contains sophisticated electronics and is part of the radio telecommunications system. It can measure the weak radio emission from Pluto, and take the temperature of its night side. LORRI: the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager,a telescope with a 8.2-inch (20.8-centimeter) aperture that focuses visible light onto a charge coupled device (CCD). Near the time of closest approach, LORRI was built to look at Plutos surface at football-field size resolution.You can see some early images from LORRI here. Pluto travels through the solar wind, a stream of charged particles sweeping out from the Sun. So, New Horizons has the Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) detector to measure charged particles from the solar wind to determine whether Pluto has a magnetosphere (a zone of protection created by its magnetic field) and how fast the Plutonian atmosphere is escaping. New Horizons has another plasma-sensing instrument called the Pluto Energetic Particle Spectrometer Science Investigation (PEPSSI). It will search for neutral atoms that escape Plutos atmosphere and subsequently become charged by their interaction with the solar wind. New Horizons involved college students from the University of Colorado as builders of the Venetia Burney Student Dust Counter, which counts and measures the sizes of dust particles in interplanetary space.
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