Friday, December 27, 2019
The Jungle - 1075 Words
The Jungle Essay nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, clearly depicts the socio-economic strife and political turpitude that ushered America into the 20th century. While telling the story of Lithuanian immigrants struggling to survive in Chicago, Sinclair illustrates how avarice and ruthless competition were driving forces in the exploitational predatory capitalist  ³jungle ² of American  ³society ² at the turn of the century. This radical novel, described as muckraking by President Theodore Roosevelt, was a sounding board for pro-socialist politics. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sinclair ¹s polemic drama begins in the back room of a Chicago saloon. The guests are drunk and drained. The prospect of returning to the†¦show more content†¦The elections were rigged by industrialists and Mafia with the workers generally losing. Sinclair illustrated this, for example, when Jurgis sought citizenship. Jurgis was obliged to vote for a local boss, Mike Scully. He became a citizen in exchange for two dollars plus two hours off work with pay. He became an undercover operator for that boss, taking bribes from his underlings and beating up strikers. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sinclair reported that unions were no match for the capitalist organizations and the workers were ignorant of their own best interests. The businesses took advantage by cannibalizing the strong workers and discarding the weak. The entire political machine is exposed as corrupt and impersonal, taking no responsibility for the workers. Just as Uncle Tom ¹s Cabin exposed evils of slavery, Sinclair poignantly demonstrates that workers were slaves to the whims of their capitalist masters and that immigrants, ignorant of the language, ways and means, were the most vulnerable to the capitalist trap. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The themes of The Jungle also have parallelism to themes of science at the time, in particular, the naturalist movement espoused by Emile Zola, and the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin. Just as Zola focused on how environment shapes the lives of the individual, Sinclair evinces that the downfall of his characters, and particularly theirShow MoreRelatedThe Jungle1982 Words  | 8 PagesRunning Head: THE JUNGLE The Jungle [Writer Name] [Institute Name] The Jungle Thesis Statement In this novel Upton Sinclair shows the problems of working class people. His believe in and contempt for capitalism as described in this story â€Å"The Jungle†. The writer explains capitalism in which the labor communities were treated very badly and to survive in the conditions of poverty. The novel rotates around the family of a character Jurgis Rudkus who have immigrated to America from Lithuania. AsRead MoreThe Jungle Analysis1641 Words  | 7 PagesCorruption, lies, adultery, politics, and death are all topics addressed in Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel The Jungle. The book reveals the atrocities that occurred during the early 1900’s in Chicago’s cruel and disgusting meatpacking district. The Jungle chronicles the struggle of a Lithuanian family that came to America with dreams of making their riches and passing it on to their descendants. Analysis of the novel reveals a recurring theme of how desperation makes people do horrible things such asRead More The Jungle Essay774 Words  | 4 Pages The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Upton Sinclairs The Jungle is the tale of a Lithuanian immigrant, Jurgis Rudkus, and his family. Jurgis and his family move to the United States in the middle of the Industrial Revolution, only to find themselves ill-equipped for the transition in the workplace and in society in general. Jurgis faces countless social injustices, and through a series of such interactions, the theme of the book is revealed: the support of socialism over capitalism as an economic andRead MoreEssay On The Jungle Of Mystery751 Words  | 4 PagesDrew Meyer Taler’s Adventure Once upon a time, there was a tiger named Taler who lived in the Jungle of Mystery. The Jungle of Mystery has flowers of many colors. Taler really liked the blue flowers that grew alongside the cliff. That cliff looked over the waterfall. Her sister, Tara, said, â€Å"Now Taler, do not go near that cliff.†Taler heard what her sister said, but she did it anyway, and everyday Taler would get closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. â€Å"Now Taler, do not go near that cliffRead MoreThe Irony of the Jungle1510 Words  | 7 PagesThe Irony of The Jungle Between 1870 and 1900 Chicago grew from a population of 299,000 to almost 1.7 million, the fastest-growing city ever at the time. This surge in population was largely attributed to immigrants coming from European countries seeking a chance for employment and new freedoms associated with moving to the United States at the time. 1905, in particular, was a historic year when a surge of over 1 million immigrants came to the city. During this time, author Upton SinclairRead MoreDisillusionment In The Jungle1399 Words  | 6 PagesIn the politically righteous book, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, a newly wed’s feeling of innocence and happiness after their beautiful wedding in their homeland come to an end following the reality of discovering their new life in America. The notion comes from the disillusionment of American freedom and the twisted advertisement of a capitalist system. America was systematically built to be corrupt and dehumanized the significance of individual existence. This was done by easily replacing, deceivingRead MoreThe Jungle Essay1521 Words  | 7 PagesThe Jungle Throughout Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, the inhumane and disgusting treatment the working men and women was shown to the eyes of the American people. Although what the book is most recognized for is creating the Pure Food and Drug Act, an act that gave consumers protection from dangerous and impure foods, the many various horrors the lower working class had to go through was something that deserved more recognition. Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, gives an insight on howRead More the jungle Essay1116 Words  | 5 PagesSinclair found the setting of the book that would bring him to fame. He first won recognition by the jungle in 1906. This book is a powerful realistic study of social conditions in the stockyards and packing plants of Chicago. It aided in the passing of pure food laws. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This novel illustrates how greed and ruthless competition has made the turn of the century into a ruthless jungle. â€Å"Take or be Taken†was the guiding rule, and everyone was someone else’s prey. The meatpackingRead More The Jungle Essay478 Words  | 2 Pages The Jungle By: Upton Sinclair The story opens with the feast at Jurgis and Ona’s wedding in America, but soon flashes back to the time before they left Lithuania. Jurgis met Ona at a horse fair, and fell in love with her. Unfortunately, they were too poor to have a wedding, since Ona’s father just died. In the hopes of finding freedom and fortune, they left for America, bringing many members of Ona’s family with them. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;During time in America, Jurgis and his wifeRead MoreThe Jungle and In the Waiting Room1545 Words  | 7 Pagestoday’s world immigration and emigration has vastly increased. With these increased movements around the world, the lack of communication creates many consequences. Without a language in common the attempt at communication is a difficult process. In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair explores the consequences of language barriers through a new immigrant family. The Lithuanian family do not have the language skills required for their new life in America and everyday life is a struggle. The problems that rise from
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Autism Is A Developmental Disability That Presents At An...
Elan Fenderson ESP 607 Test Battery-Autism Autism is a developmental disability that presents at an early age (typically under the age of three years) that can affect a child’s educational performance. Child and adults can have deficiencies in communication, social skills, and using language. People with autism tend to engage in motor/vocal stereotypy. The spectrum for autism has a wide range from mild to severe. To determine where a child falls on the spectrum many assessments can be administered. If a child is believed to be on the spectrum, a CARS2 assessment may be issued. The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (Second Edition) helps distinguish children that have autism from those who are developmentally handicapped. It also allows you†¦show more content†¦The first two subtest address fifteen items. The Standard and High functioning forms have overlapping sections. Items addressed in both assessments are relating to people, body use, visual response, taste smell, and touch response and use, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, level and consistency of intellectual response and general impressions. Imitation, emotional response, object use, adaptation to change fear or nervousness, and activity level is focused on solely in the Standard form subtest. For the High functioning form Social-emotional understanding, emotional expression and regulation of emotions, adaption to change/restricted interest, fear of anxiety, and thinking cognitive integration skills ar e the main emphasis. The administrator will rate each item using a four-point response scale. The rating is based on not only a child’s response but also their behavior during their session. An administrated also takes into consideration student’s intensity, peculiarity, and duration of a answer. The CARS2 assessment is a good place to start when a child is believed to have autism spectrum disorder. The Verbal Behavior Milestone Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) is a criterion-referenced assessment for child with autism that demonstrates language delays. It analyzes verbal behavior and developmental milestones. There are five components of the VB-MAPP. These components provide baseline performance, a direction for intervention, a
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Working with Community for Stonewall Gay Campaign- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theWorking with Community for Stonewall Gay Campaign. Answer: The three types of community work as discussed by Rothman and Tropman include territorial, categorical and thematically. To me, the territorial community work appeals more than the other two. This is because categorically and thematically done community work, are referred to the task of working with a specific group and in a field of a particular topic respectively, but this is not the same with the territorial community work. Territorial community work refers to the work which is done by the community workers based in a specific area along with different groups of the population. The two of the main tasks of a territorial community worker are innovation (stimulating and encouraging new projects) and to support the groups, communities and councils. The territorial community workers give all kinds of support to the local communities including strategic support, organizational support, facilitating support and educational support as well (Rothman, 1995). With the same, they encourage t he people and empower them for doing the things for their own betterment. Hence their main role is centered on helping the people to build the sense of self-confidence, to develop talents and to learn new knowledge and skills. The territorial community worker act as a challenger, developer, organizer, supporter and an advocate, all at the same time. In this context, I am going to elaborate on the Stonewall Gay Campaign. The aim of the campaign is changing the attitudes of the people towards the concept of homosexuality. It aim is to get lesser homophobic people towards it (Shragge, 2003). Moreover, it is a campaign that is aiming to get people stop using the term gay as a word to insult others. It focuses on raising awareness among the people about the fact that being a homosexual or a gay is OK and that it is not all about negativity. The sarcastic campaign, without using a single image and is all about words and letters, has created a positive impact on the mind of the people. As written in the article of The Guardian, Stonewall has influenced the society in a positive way by campaigning and lobbying. It is to be noted that the charity has changed the laws for the bisexual people and the lesbian gays. They have had a cancellation on the section 28 of the laws. It is to be mentioned that this campaign for the gay rights has a positive impact and the related posters are working. Networking refers to creating a useful linkage in between people, communities, organizations or societies that are useful in order to achieve different goals by mobilizing resources. It can be also referred to as the art of building up alliances. It is all about building up of reciprocal relationships with the people of authority. Networking helps in increasing the participation in community development in many ways. It plays a very important role in bringing people, resources and organization together from all the parts of the communities. Some of the example of activities of community networking are attending professional or trade association meetings, visiting social clubs and religious groups, volunteering the community works etc. These activities improve the quantity along with the quality of work along with spreading the responsibilities by enabling the groups and peoples to contribute and share their resources, expertise and ideas (Gilchrist, 2009). Such knowledge and ideas is believably to create social benefits, as these would result in smarter funding. It contributes in generating social capital, which in turn creates well-being in the community. To conclude, networking serves in order to empower communities so that they could achieve their goals. It is a collective activity at the local, national and global levels. References: Gilchrist, Alison (2009)The Well Connected Community: A Networking Approach to Community Development.Policy Press:Bristol Shragge, E. (2003) 'Social action and it's legacy for social change' (chapter 3)Activism and Social Change.Broadview Press; Ontario. Pp 75-105. Rothman J., (1995)Approaches to Community Intervention p26-63 in Jack Rothman and Johan Tropman (eds)Strategies of Community Intervention: Macro Practice, 5thEdn, Peacock, Illinois.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Research Paper on Medical Testing on Animals Essay Example
Research Paper on Medical Testing on Animals Essay Medical testing on animals is a generic term for the use in the research, testing substances and products in education and training purposes as well as in the diagnosis of diseases and production of biological products. The definition of animal testing varies between countries. The species of animal that is used primarily in medical testing on animals are mice, rats, fish and wildfowl. Even rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, dogs, cats, cows and monkeys may occur in testing on animals. One uses laboratory animals when there is no in vitro system corresponding to the human metabolism. Tests with laboratory animals have been severely criticized, especially from so-called animal rights activists. University and college students who are about to write their research papers on medical testing on animals have to understand that EU law definition of animal testing is much more limited than the American and includes, for example, only animals subjected to intervention, at least in the form of a needle, for example, by injection. Animals that are killed without prior intervention is not included in the definition or in animal experiments of the EU statistics. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Medical Testing on Animals specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Medical Testing on Animals specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Medical Testing on Animals specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer EU Commission compiles animal testing statistics every three years. The most recent is from 2013. According to these statistics 12.1 million animals were used in animal testing in the EU in 20013. Most of the animals were mice – 53%. Since 2004, it is prohibited to carry out animal testing on cosmetic and hygiene products in the EU. The safety assessment is mandatory for manufacturers and importers under the cosmetics directive based on toxicological information on the constituent ingredients. The U.S. welfare legislation does not define the rats, mice, birds and fish that are most commonly used in medical testing on animals, as animals. They are therefore not protected by law and they are counted usually not included in the statistics on the number of animals used in the experiments. Interest in alternatives to animal testing has increased, not least as a result of the EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics. Although the new EU legislation for the registration and control of chemicals, REACH, has meant that interest to develop new test methods that can replace animal tests have increased substantially. Through its Research Framework Programs EU spends money on projects to replace animal tests in particular, the chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The most common alternatives to animal testing in research and testing are different cell models, but also computer models are common, especially in education and the development of pharmaceuticals. Other options include chemical analysis, dummies and models in various materials and techniques that make it possible to perform risk-free research on human volunteers. We recommend you to use free example research papers on medical testing on animals to get the global idea on the various aspects of the phenomena. In addition, these free research proposals could be a great source of the relevant information. Are you looking for a top-notch custom research paper about Medical Testing on Animals? Is confidentiality as important to you as the high quality of the product? Try our writing service at! We can offer you professional assistance at affordable rates. Our experienced PhD and Master’s writers are ready to take into account your smallest demands. We guarantee you 100% authenticity of your paper and assure you of dead on time delivery. Proceed with the order form:
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